A Guide to Finding the Best Quality Waterjet Cutting Machine

It’s hard to believe that the natural process of erosion could not only be replicated in a machine, but sped up to a matter of minutes. That’s precisely what the waterjet cutting machine does as a means to achieve the perfect cut. The technology uses highly pressurized water (and sometimes, abrasive sand) to quickly erode a range of materials, from foam to steel and everything in between.

There are numerous applications for these machines. Water jet cutting is used in metal cutting shops; in manufacturing, as a safer method of cutting materials like plastics, foam and rubber; as a cold-cutting method for textile processing; and even in food processing, as it has the benefit of sanitation, safety and consistent temperatures.

If you’re in the market for a waterjet cutting machine, there are many factors to consider before making your decision. We’ll provide you with the information you need to help guide you to the machine that’s right for you.

Identifying major parts of waterjet cutting systems

Waterjet cutting machines generate high-pressure water, often adding abrasive material like sand, to cut work material through the process of erosion. The following parts exemplify how the machine works.

1. High-pressure water flow is generated through the use of a high-pressure pump, which pushes water through a high-speed jet system. To cut harder materials, waterjets also use abrasives, such as fine quartz sand particles.

2. The high-pressure water and abrasive are aimed at the work material, and the impact causes the surface to erode, forming a cut.

3. With a waterjet system, there is no risk of the material overheating — and even better, the water itself can be used for cooling material during the process.

4. The machine pushes ordinary tap water through a water pump (think water pressure of 6000+ psi) to a high-pressure water source.

5. The water source is transported to the water cutting head and through a tungsten steel nozzle system, creating a high-pressure water column.

6. Upon impact with the work material, the water column ruptures the material, beginning the cutting process.

7. The machine’s control system comprises a computer — which is used for designing cuts, adjusting settings and monitoring the cutting process — and a motion controller to guide the movement of the cutter head.

8. It is important to have auxiliary systems to maximize quality and safety. The water cutting head should be cooled to prevent overheating, and any wastewater generated from the machine should be treated with wastewater treating equipment.

Different types of waterjet cutters and systems

There are many types of waterjet cutting machines suited for different purposes. These are a few types you’re likely to encounter in your search.

  • Bridge-type waterjet cutting machines consist of a large table with a bridge across it, over which the cutting head cuts large pieces of material. Often, these are used to fabricate architectural and industrial parts.
  • Gantry-type cutting machines are used for large, heavy materials in applications like shipbuilding and aerospace. These machines are supported by a gantry bridge with legs, moving in an X-Y coordinate system. Consider the INTEC-G2® I1020, a gantry-type system from Aquajet.
  • Cantilever-type cutting machines are designed with a cutting arm rail that is separated from one side of the cutting platform, which makes them ideal for materials of irregular sizes. They also tend to be more affordable. See the INTEC-G2® I510, a cantilever system from Aquajet.
  • Portable waterjet cutting machines can be transported for on-location cutting, as they are small and lightweight. They are particularly useful for construction, demolition and emergency response.
  • Robotic waterjet cutting machines are controlled by industrial robots, and are frequently found in the automotive and aerospace industries.
  • Micro waterjet cutting machines are used to cut small, delicate parts, and thanks to their high precision, are ideal for medical and electronics applications.
  • Hybrid waterjet cutting machines combine abrasive waterjet cutting with one or more other cutting methods, allowing users to achieve high precision, speed and power. These machines can be used to cut thicker materials, or for applications that require quicker cutting.

How to choose the best waterjet cutting machine for your job

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a waterjet cutting machine. Certain types of products are designed for particular industries or materials, and it’s important to ensure that the machine you choose has the features you need to complete a job. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you take the next step.

1. The materials you’ll be cutting

While most waterjets can cut almost anything, some are better suited for certain materials: cutting steel requires a more powerful, precise machine, for instance. With the aid of an abrasive, waterjets are capable of cutting materials such as:

  • Metals
  • Non-tempered glass
  • Composites
  • Laminates
  • Stone
  • Most ceramics

2. The amount of material you’re cutting

Some machines may be useful for shorter or one-off projects, while others have special software capable of mass producing parts — even without an operator present (this is referred to as “lights out cutting”).

3. The size of the table

Factors like the types of projects you’ll be completing, the materials you’ll be cutting and the size of your work space will contribute to the size of the waterjet you purchase. Larger machines are needed for high production in large workshops, but may not be suited to smaller businesses with limited space.

4. The type of pump you need

Having the right pump for your waterjet machine ensures high performance, precision and consistency, and can prevent pressure spikes during the cutting process. You may want to choose a lower-power pump if you’re only cutting softer materials; dual-pressure pumps are helpful if you’re working with brittle materials like glass, stone or composites. If noise level is important, you might consider a quiet pump.

Best practices for purchasing a waterjet cutter

A waterjet cutting machine is an investment, and it’s crucial to ensure that you’re getting your money’s worth. Luckily, we have a few tips for you to make sure that the product you purchase is top quality.

1. Do your research.

It should go without saying, but basic research comes first when investing in this type of machine. Conduct background research to confirm that the brand of the machine and the seller are trustworthy, reputable companies.

2. Inspect the machine.

A thorough inspection of the parts can help determine if the machine is in working order, and this is especially important if you’re buying a used waterjet cutter. Here are a few questions to ask yourself during the inspection:

  • Are the pump’s seals leak-free and in good condition?
  • Is the nozzle free of cracks, rust, etc.?
  • Are the wires in the electrical cabinet neatly ordered?
  • What does the control system look like? Is there any damage, or is it fully functional?

3. Review the maintenance documentation.

If the machine is used, it should have maintenance records with complete information on any parts that were previously fixed. This documentation can provide insight into any potential issues — and if a seller cannot provide it, that’s cause for concern.

4. Get a demonstration.

Ask for a test run of the machine, if possible. This will not only allow you to see that the waterjet is in working order, but show you how it works before using it yourself.

Contact us

Have questions on our waterjet cutting machines, or want to learn more about our services? We’re here to help. Contact us with your request and we’ll respond as soon as possible!

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